Products Available at Smith Lumber & Feed Co.

C.A. Smith Lumber & Feed Co. is a retail store for the contractor as well as the homeowner. One thing that has not changed over the years is the service you will receive at C.A. Smith. We pride ourselves on personal relationships with our customers and an outstanding staff that can help you with a simple order of feed or the newest building materials for your biggest job.

Featured Products

C.A. Smith Lumber and Feed has an extensive supply of all the building materials you need to build the house of your dreams. In addition, we carry many of the products needed for you large commercial job. That is why so many local residential and commercial contractors come to C.A. Smith Lumber and Feed. They know they can get the products they need, they can get those products on time, and at the right price. Here are links to some of the more popular products we carry. If you do not see what you are looking for just give us a call. We will be happy to assist you.